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Worthing Lido Race Report & Results


27:30 Marcus Carter
33:50 Fabian Kaelin
34:59 Gill Hamilton-Orr
36:54 Danielle Kaelin
38:38 Liz Pamment


Well 8 dwindled down to 5 as the weather reports worsened! Undeterred and in search of that post run smugness and sense of achievement the

Worthing Lido 2014
Worthing Lido 2014

fearless 5 headed off to Worthing on Sunday morning. Everywhere was pretty quiet – clearly many had cosier ideas for a Sunday morning! And by now the rain had well and truly arrived, added to that so had the 26 mph winds! Still the sea always provides a beautiful backdrop!

It was pretty chaotic on arrival with everyone trying to stay sheltered to the very last minute, but then we were off, the full force of the weather coming straight at us! Thank goodness it was only a Paulie Grade 1 ie no hills!
Full credit to the cheery Marshalls for encouraging us round – only 1 thing worse than running in that weather, just standing in it! And thank goodness mud to contend with was at a minimum!
Marcus and Fabian were first home for HJs – results above. Once all 5 were back, there was a quick gathering in the very squashed café for our traditional team photo! Sadly due to being soaked through and getting cold, we declined the post run linger over a hot cuppa!
However, do not let this deter anyone thinking about a fun run! Weather was not on our side for this event but there was a great club camaraderie even amongst the few. Plus that post run sense of satisfaction did arrive in the car on the way home!
Points awarded today all help our clubs’s standing in the WSFRL. Hopefully soon we will all be sporting our club shirts too and looking like a real team! ’til the next one…..