Marathon Draw Guidelines

There are occasions when the Club may receive an allocation of places for a major event. In this case the allocation of any places obtained by the Club will be as follows. Note that this only covers the allocation of the entry – any costs associated with the entry are the responsibility of the ‘winning’ member.

After registering the feelings of members following the 2012 allocation of entries at the AGM, the Committee agreed that the process for awarding any Marathon places obtained by the Club would be through a lottery, the draw taking place at each AGM or official function such as agreed, as outlined in the following guidelines. PLEASE NOTE THAT ELIGIBILITY TO ANY DRAW IS STRICTLY ONLY TO FULLY PAID UP MEMBERS OF HENFIELD JOGGERS. PLEASE ALSO NOTE THAT THERE IS NO GUARANTEE THAT THE CLUB WILL BE ALLOCATED ANY PLACES.

1] London Marathon places

In the event that the Club is allocated one or more places for the London Marathon, the places will be allocated on the following basis:

a] The initial draw is ONLY open to fully paid up members who are in possession of a London Marathon Reject Slip (all rejects receive a posted rejection magazine, which has a postal slip inside the clear mag cover, containing details of your application number etc – this is your reject slip)

b] Reject slips must be brought to the AGM or sent in to any Committee member in advance. Verbal statements (eg: “I had one but I threw it away”) will not be accepted.

c] All reject slips will go into a draw and winners of any entries will be drawn at random, according to how many entries (if any) have been allocated to the Club

d] If the number of entries allocated exceeds the number of reject slips entered, then the initial selection will be made with only the reject slips in the draw. After this has taken place the remaining entries will be the subject of a SECOND draw which will be open to any member to offer their name for.

e] If NO reject slips have been entered, the draw will be thrown open to any member to offer their name. Names may be put forward on the night, or can be registered in advance by sending an Email to: ENQUIRIES@HENFIELDJOGGERS.CO.UK. PLEASE NOTE THAT ANY INTEREST MUST BE REGISTERED BY THE MEMBER THEMSELVES, MESSAGES PASSED ON BY FRIENDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED…..IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH MEMBER TO MAKE THEIR PREFERENCE PLAIN. If any member not present on the night and who did not email in advance, subsequently claims interest, this will be rejected.

2] Other Marathons

a] Any places gained by the Club will be offered for draw on the basis of being open to all PAID UP members who enter their names.

b] Names may be put forward on the night, or can be registered in advance by sending an Email to ENQUIRIES@HENFIELDJOGGERS.CO.UK. If any member not present on the night and who did not email in advance subsequently claims interest, this will be rejected.

c] All names will go into the draw and winners of any entries will be drawn at random, according to how many entries (if any) have been allocated to the Club

NOTE: The winner of the Handicap will NOT be offered a place in either marathon. The trophy alone will be the prize.

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