
The objectives of the Club are the promotion of running and jogging. Other activities such as walking, cycling and social activities may be included according to the Clubs wishes annually.


Our first run as a Club was on 1st April 1990. From 6 runners then, the Club has inexorably grown to its present size of about 140 members. From the beginning, we have aimed to have a friendly welcoming Club, where the slowest runner and the fastest are treated and respected equally, and we have aimed to have fun both running and socially.

Because of this ethos, central to the Club are the Handicap and the West Sussex Fun Run League (WSFRL). The Handicap is so designed that everyone, slow or fast, has an equal chance of coming in first, while the WSFRL encourages participation by all runners of any standard.

However, having said all this, we are delighted that there are some fast runners in the Club and that many of us enter races in the Sussex Road Running Grand Prix as well as the London Marathon and ultra races. In other words we welcome runners of all abilities, right across the spectrum and try hard to encourage beginners.

HEADQUARTERS The Club Headquarters are at the Henfield Leisure Centre, Northcroft, Henfield, West Sussex.

MANAGEMENT The management of the Club is the responsibility of the Committee, consisting of at least a Treasurer, Secretary and a minimum of 3 elected members.

CLUB NIGHT The members meet on Wednesday evening at 19.00 at the Henfield Leisure Centre, and socialise in a local pub after running. In summer the Club meets at various local pubs to add variety to the running routes.

MEMBERSHIP The membership of the Club is confined to Amateurs, as defined by the Amateur Athletic Association (AAA) Members are classed as Seniors, or Juniors (if the Club decides to have a Juniors section) if under 16 years on 1st April. Junior members (if the Club runs a Juniors section) will not be entitled to vote at any Annual General Meeting (AGM).

New members will be required to complete an application form and pay the annual subscription. Existing members failing to pay their subscription by 30th March shall be deemed to have left the Club, and will no longer have access to the Closed Facebook Group. New members already belonging to a AAA affiliated club are to declare their First Claim allegiance at the time of joining.

CLUB COLOURS Club vest colours are green with black writing, and must be worn at all AAA affiliated and WSFRL races. We have ensured that the cost of purchasing kit is kept at a reasonable level.

SUBSCRIPTIONS The annual subscription shall be fixed by the Committee, prior to the AGM. Subscriptions fall due in January and existing members can renew here.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The AGM will be held in December, to receive the Treasurer’s financial statement, elect Committee members and to deal with any other matters arising.

TREASURER The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Committee at the AGM, and will be responsible for producing the Annual Accounts of the Club. Payments made by Henfield Joggers require the signatures of 2 committee members. In the event of the Club being dis-banded, all assets will be shared equally between current Members.