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Valentines Fun Run Report


Well what a contrast to last Sunday! Firstly no wind to speak of, blue sky, sunshine, inclines and MUD!! See our muddy trainers pic – the ‘team’ have agreed our new Fun Run Logo!

Our team grew in size this week, 5 now 7 and with 1 change. Danielle and Fabian maintained max enthusiasm by being first to

You need hands!
You need hands!

arrive – 2 weeks in a row, loving it Guys! Liz aka Paul number 2 had us all organised with our numbers etc and soon we were leaving the

appealing cakes in HQ and heading off to the start. Along the way, one of the lovely Marshalls told us he had dried the course out for us; how kind, how funny!

Danielle and Fabian, still enthusiastic, made the sensible choice to try and move nearer the start line; the rest of the Running at the Speed of Chat girls were of course, yes, you guessed, chatting, so were nicely boxed in a good way back. Still, we were off with Michele moving into a trot and heading in search of D & F. After a minor trainer issue she upped it to a canter and we didn’t see her until the finish!

Wet sloppy brown stuff was guaranteed and there were a fair few falls in the slippy stuff, including by our own Cathy who looked like she had enjoyed an exclusive treatment at a health farm!! For

future ref, point to note, don’t wipe your muddy hands on your black running leggings – Cathy ran the rest of the race with 2 perfect hand prints on her buttocks!!

Once out of the mud, the roads were most welcome, though most of us agreed the mud had taken much out of our legs, (well at least that’s what Fabian and I thought!).

What's in the bag Tina?
What’s in the bag Tina?

Tina for her efforts received a nice ‘Up & Running’ spot prize – actually, what was in the bag?!

A ‘happy to have completed it’ team regrouped and resisted the cakes and all 7 headed for a delish brunch at The Orchard,

Valentines Team
Valentines Team

West Grinstead. Now that’s what adds Fun to our races! What a great team spirit! Next Fun Run is on Sunday 16th March – come on guys, give it a go and let’s have a bigger representation for our club. Fingers crossed we may even be sporting our club vests.


Michele Longmore 33:23

Fabian Kaelin 34:12

Danielle Kaelin 36:24

Gill Hamilton-Orr 37:15

Liz Pamment 40:58

Cathy Walker 44:07

Tina Wake 48:43