Obviously the majority of Henfield Joggers were working ‘behind the scenes’ to run this event, so thank heavens we had ONE runner, Simon Funnell, who has sent in his race report for the 4 Mile race, below – but before that a comment on the 1 Mile race from Amanda’s daughter – straight and to the point!
Alice (aged 9) said to me after the junior mile. “Mummy, both my legs really hurt” I said “that’s good, it’s just them learning to run faster” she said, “no its not, it me learning not to run again!”
And from Simon:
Well I turned up at 10.15 to pick up my number, sign in and meet all the other Joggers that were running to be told I was the only one (eeek) that was a shock, oh well down to start I went to be greeted by all the other HJ members marshalling.I positioned myself right at the front to know what it felt like to lead for all of 1 yard ha ha,Well bang off we go, head down out of the Kings Field to the railway line, seeing all the HJ members marshalling was very welcoming and knowing the route was even better as knew how to pace myself, seeing the drinks station at 2 miles was strange as didn’t seem to take that long to reach there,but wow it was a welcomed sight as it was so so hot out there, quick drink as running never works always seem to spill more than I drink.Out on to the river bank we go and I’m expecting to see lots of cows as told in the safety briefing but none in sight only Brian Turrell doing his best marshalling poses.
Back on to the railway line now and after 90 minutes of football on Saturday my legs are starting to feel the distance but now turning into the fields I know it’s not long to go,saving a bit of energy coming up towards the Leisure Centre, 5 people pass me, but as we turn into the Kings Field football sprint kicks in and I pass the 5 people with 100 yards to go and across the line in 34.38 considering the legs I was very pleased to finish and get a nice cold drink without wearing it all this time round.
Great event and lovely run on a Sunday morning.Simon
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