
England Athletics Membership Renewal/Membership

Hello everyone. Its that time of year when England Athletics membership needs to be renewed, if you are already a member it expired on 31st March. If you want to join and enjoy the benefits of being a member, then now is also the time as you will get a full years membership by joining now. Additionally, and no pressure, new for this year is that the club will only receive an automatic entry into the London marathon to raffle if we have 10 or more members! Membership is totally voluntary and independent of the Club, BUT you can only join England Athletics THROUGH the Club! The link to the benefits you receive is below – please make your own judgement.

This year the fee is £15 – gone up another £ I’m afraid!

If you want to Rejoin/Join – then email me at to tell me, and I’ll take it from there!

England Athletics Membership Benefits