
Volunteer Marshals needed, South Downs Way Relay – Saturday 3rd June

We’re starting the appeal for volunteers to marshal at Saddlescombe for this event , roughly 10am to 1pm. You will be assisting Nick Sayers who will again manage this station, and it will of course be a fun, rewarding, and usually CAKEFUL! morning.

This is the most complex changeover point for the relay in the whole 100 mile course, due to the dangerous nature of the road, the hilly terrain and the Car Park, so we need a big team, so if you want to bring family or friends, they will be gratefully accepted

In recent years Henfield Joggers have been praised by the organisers for running the best marshalling point, and therefore you’ll be part of a respected and successful team.

We need to: Manage the car parking in the Devils Dyke road car park up the hill (not the one next to Devils Dyke pub); Manage each side of the main road to ensure safety at all times as runners enter and leave the marshalling point; and have spotters ‘up the hill’ (Newtimber Hill) to radio back the incoming runners (yes, radio! We now have 4 radio sets for use here).

With 55 teams registered this means 55 incoming minibuses to park, 55 outgoing minibuses to check out, 110 runners in total (55 in and 55 out) to manage, and about 400 people coming through in one way or another. It’s a terrific time, it’s very active and dynamic, and obviously our own Henfield Joggers relay team will be in there coming through.

Feel free to ask any questions and especially newer members, please come along and help out, don’t be shy!! It’s a one-off annual event so it’s a great opportunity.

Please help if you can, email: