
2013 Beginners Course

If your New Year resolution is to get fit for 2013 then why not come along and join our Beginners Course starting on Wed 9th January 2013.

The course will be each Wednesday and Friday at 7pm, for 10 weeks, led by coaches Gayle Williams [Wednesday] and professional fitness coach Julie Craig [Friday]. It’s aimed at total non-runners, so don’t worry if you have never run a step! We start off very gently on an alternating jog/walk programme and build the distance and speed up gradually over the weeks.

We’re especially delighted to have Julie Craig along and she will also be taking both groups through some beneficial stretching exercises as part of each session. The group is open to girls and boys, men and women, and is COMPLETELY FREE, we simply ask that people join the Club, which cost £15 with membership lasting until January 2014.

Just email Gayle at with any queries or turn up at Henfield Leisure Centre at 7pm on Wednesday January 9th